Corinella Boat Ramp
Corinella Boat Ramp, Launching Facilities, Corinella Fishing Reports, Corinella Boat Hire,
Fishing at Corinella, Corinella Tide Guide,
Corinella Marine Boat Launching Ramp
Corinella Boat Ramp is located at the end of Peters Street Corinella
The Boat Ramp, Jetties are Managed By :
Corinella Foreshore Reserve Inc Committee of Management.
( The Corinella Pier Is Managed and Maintained By PARKS VICTORIA Phone 131 963 )
No Launching Fees !
There is no fee to use the boat launching ramp facility or to park your vehicle and boat trailer.
Corinella has a Four lane concrete boat ramp and is well catered with jetties along side for your comfort and safety, fresh water is available* fish cleaning facilities are provided and the jetties, launching ramp are flood lit at night for visibility.
The deep water channel passing right up to both the Corinella Jetty and Importantly to the launching ramp means possible all tide access to the waters of Corinella for most boats to around 8 meters.
Ample car and boat trailer parking on the grassed area above the ramp, you don't have to walk far after parking your rig so you can just get fishing.
Please do not park your boat trailer on the Gravel area to the left of the Corinella jetty as this is Restricted to Public Car Parking Without Trailers only, Penalties Apply.
Public Toilet facilities are just opposite the grassed parking area at the Caravan park entrance.
Free electric BBQ facilities and picnic tables are provided in the reserve above the ramp, along with a shaded rotunda lookout area,
Fishing Licenses, Take away food and Bait can all be purchased close by at the Corinella General Store.
* engine flushing and boat washdown facility not available at this time.

Corinella Moorings Grounds
Just opposite the boat launching ramp are Corinella's deep water mooring grounds.
Mostly sheltered from the southerly gales the moorings are ideal for your Motor Cruiser, Yacht or Fishing Boat. There are many boats on these swing moorings and some moorings are still available in the Corinella channel for your own yacht or motor cruiser (perhaps not for much longer though)
Contact PARKS VICTORIA San Remo office, Phone 13 1963 for more Information on Corinella mooring grounds and space currently available.
Tips on Launching & Retrieving Your Boat
Trailering, Launching and Retrieving is a very important part of boating, this is a process that can be made a lot easier if you just take a little time in preparing your boat and trailer Before leaving home and arriving at the ramp.
It's good advice to have gone through your boat before you leave home including running the engine and checking your fuel is fresh and all the required safety equipment is aboard and make sure that you have checked the trailer rollers, winch and strap and don't forget the trailers wheel bearings these should be checked, adjusted and re greased at least once a year,
Remember bearings need adjusting and bearing grease will harden over time and cause bearing failure when you least expect it !
Here are some Important Launching and Retrieving tips to help you.
* Make all your pre-launch preparations well away from the boat ramp.
* Secure ropes to BOTH the Bow and Stern of your boat, This is important as you will not have full control of your boat with only one line, and if a tide is running, your boat may come off the trailer sideways and you will Not be able to control it ! Avoid Damage Always use two Lines !
* Check and make certain that your bungs are in !
* If you are launching a Trailer Sailer, ALWAYS check for any overhead wires or other Hazards before you rig up or move your vessel.
* Carefully study the ramp and surrounding water for any potential
hazards - Remember there may be children present in the area !
* Line up your car and trailer to the ramp so that the backing process will be straight and as short as possible.
* Do not remove the trailer winch or safety chain until your boat is in the water.
* Use both your secured Bow and Stern ropes /control lines and float your boat off with care, then secure it further up the end area of the jetty out of the way of the next ramp user.
Align the centre of your boat to the centreline of the trailer; proceed carefully up the trailer until the winch or safety chain can be secured.
If you are not confident in driving your boat onto the trailer, you can use your secured rope/control lines on the bow and stern to easily control your boat as you use the trailer winch to draw the boat back onto the trailer.
Vacate the boat ramp as soon as possible and park in the appropriate preparation area to finish securing the boat to the trailer for towing.
Remember to secure your vessel to the trailer using Both the winch and safety chain and hull tie down straps.
Don't forget to check your boating safety gear is all up to date and you have all the required equipment for your size Vessel, Water Police have promised they will be very active in Western Port this new year and will be checking to make sure all boaters are doing the right thing and that everyone is keeping safe out there ! So Please Stay Safe ! Happy Boating and Fishing !
* To check what safety gear you should be carrying on your boat Click Here Marine Safety
It may save your Life or help avoid a hefty Fine !
Corinella Pier / Jetty Fishing Tips
If you fish from the Corinella Pier Click on the blue button
below to go to a fishing tips page, "fishing from Corinella Jetty"
5 Knot Speed Limits

Heaviest Fish Prize for Tea Tree Competition Caught at Corinella !
Congratulations to Leigh Johnston with his tea tree winning 9.88kg Snapper !

Billie Wing-Smith caught the fish of her life. (Pic Above) Fishing in 11m of water off Corinella with her dad Brendan all night she caught her biggest ever snapper which weighed a staggering 7.2kg. The fish took a liking to a squid and pilchard cocktail bait.

Steve fished off Corinella on a Sunday with his mate Jason in his new boat. They certainly found some snapper (pic above) landing 5 fish, the best one weighing 7kg and 82cm and the smallest fish was 50cm. It was their first trip for the season and it was the first time getting Jason's brand new boat wet. Best bait was pilchard.

Shane Jackson also fished Corinella in search of snapper. He caught this lovely 4.5kg fish (pic above) and it was a new Best for him. It was caught on fresh squid on the outgoing tide.

Tea Tree Festival 2011
Mark Sullivan puts in the hard yards and hours on the water every week, he lives and breathes fishing. He fished Corinella and landed this Whopper Snapper which weighed a very impressive 10.51kg. It was caught in Westernport up the North Arm in 12m of water with a squid ring bait doing the damage.

Peter and his mates stopped into the Tackleworld shop Friday night to pick up some bait and a few things on their way to Corinella. They fished for 40 minutes and landed their first snapper for the season which went about 3kg. They continued to fish throughout the night to land 3 more snapper with the best one going about 3.8kg plus a nice little gummy of about 3.5kg.

Brad Tregear's daughter Georgia landed her PB snapper (above) weighing an impressive 5.6kg out from Corinella. The fish was caught at 8.30 in the morning, and he reported the fish went nuts for an hour. They kept 4 fish and released 8 and were home in time for bacon and eggs.

Tackleworld customer Paul Grossi stopped in at the shop on a Friday afternoon to pick up some supplies and get a few tips on where to fish from the boys before heading away for a long weekend, out fishing he managed 3 lovely gummies to 1m and 3 cracker elephants to 70cm, they caught another 3 gummies these ones were released and again another couple of elephants. Along with the bag of fish they had a few big runs but were busted off only minutes into the battle. Best baits over the 2 days were pilchards and squid.

These fish were caught by Nyora angler Michelle and were caught off Corinella
in 7 meters of water

Steve Flitton caught his very first snapper in Western Port, Steve was fishing with his son when they caught the fish. Well done Steve, a great catch !

Elephant Fish

These highly elusive fish are around, If you can endure the long hours in silence on the water, you're always in with a chance.

TackleWorld Customers Rabih, Ghazi and Omar fished just out from Corinella. They were fishing the run out tide when they managed a 10.6kg mulloway that they weighed in at the shop. This beautiful fish was taken on a half pilchard bait!

Brendan Wing and Gawaine Blake also headed out to Corinella in search of a jewie. In the calm conditions, Brendan caught a nice Jew of 13kg

Rob fished with his mate Ross early on a Sunday morning out off Corinella. The boys had one thing on their mind, and that was Mulloway! Fishing with fresh squid and garfish they landed a thumping fish that tipped the scales at just over 29kg. At first sight the boys thought it was a shark. This is truly a fish of a lifetime and the boys will remember that for the rest of their lives! ( Pic Above )
Saved ! Corinella Jetty !
In Corinella's Recent History a Community effort was made to Save the Corinella Jetty !
Parks Victoria had made known that due to a lack of funds, the end platform of the Historic Corinella Jetty was to be Demolished and Not Replaced !
The Corinella Community was not impressed ! and all went about organizing a fundraising campaign to have the jetty landing Rebuilt !
Have a look at a short video below that tells a little of our story !
PFD Type 1 Is Required
for Corinella Waters !
A PFD Type 1 is a
Recognised lifejacket.
A PFD Type 1 will provide a High Level of buoyancy and keep the wearer in a safe floating position. They are made in high visibility colours with retro-reflective patches.
Please Remember It is a 5 knot speed limit through the boat Moorings at Corinella and out from the Ramp Jetties and Corinella Pier. 5 knot limit applies within 200 m of the water's edge (shoreline) also 50 meters of any boats at anchor anyware out in the bay.
Corinella Mooring area falls within the 200 meter from shoreline 5 knot restriction zone and it is also a recognized anchorage. Very small boat tenders operate in this area and are easily swamped by careless powerboat operators. Divers are also regularly working in the Corinella Mooring area.
New anti hoon Laws are in place in Victoria and you can now be nabbed and dobbed in for hoon behavior in your boat and this Includes speeding through recognised anchorages such as the Corinella Mooring area. People are paying attention to you and are noting (photo) registration numbers of boats whose operators are not obeying the rules...
Don't be a goose Slow Down and Stay Safe !
For More Information Click Below
Corinella Fishing Club

The Corinella Boating & Angling Club Invite You to join this active fishing club
Regular fishing competitions
are held throughout the year
and prizes are awarded for
best weights in each
This is a family oriented club
that promotes junior and
family participation.
Everyone can be a member
of the club no matter where
you live, And you don't even
need to have a boat as land
based fishing is encouraged
and is included in the
competitions that are run
regularly each year.
Find Out More Click Below
Corinella CFA

Corinella CFA Needs You !
Volunteers are needed for
this essential Service.
Click on the link below
for more details!